Learn about Buildings, Household and Car Insurance South Africa
When immigrating to South Africa most people intend to purchase a house and a car if they do not import their current vehicle. In order to do so, it is advisable to have insurance in place. South Africans are not always obligated to obtain insurance, however in certain circumstances they are.
If you take out a bond with the bank, you are obligated to have insurance for the house. The bank offers insurance at seemingly good rates, however these do not always remain constant and the service is seldom very good. Also they often take the deduction off your bond account, therefore effectively charging you interest on your insurance.
Incompass, an authorised financial services provider and part of the Intergate Group, undertake to provide you with personalised service and the best possible product for your current risk situation. Incompass also help you to ensure that your building is correctly insured, as you need to insure it for the current rebuilding costs to avoid under insurance and the average clause.
When you purchase a vehicle, Incompass can arrange cover for your new car while you are still at the dealership, thus avoiding delays. They are also able to obtain the current retail value for your vehicle, to ensure that it is correctly insured. If you have chosen to finance your new vehicle, you are obligated to have full comprehensive insurance on the vehicle.
You are not obligated to insure the contents of a building; however it is advisable to have this in place.
Incompass can help you to obtain competitive quotations from various insurance companies all over South Africa. Incompass has been actively involved in the insurance industry for 5 years, and our team of experts can help you find the right solution for your needs.