Medical aid is a vital part of life in any country. In South Africa, however, it is imperative to have your own insurance in place, as it will enable you to go to a private hospital without having to pay too much out of your own pocket. The important factors to take into consideration are what type of cover you require, what your budget allows, and whether the provider you choose offers good service.
Medical aid is a complicated part of insurance and requires independent advice so that you can make informed decisions. A broker that is in the employ of a specific provider will only advise you to go with that one provider, not giving you the vast amount of options that are available on the market.
At Incompass, we are independent brokers and therefore we offer a wider range of products, enabling us to give you advice that pertains to your specific situation. We have been actively involved in the insurance industry for more than 10 years, and our team of experts can help you find the right solution for your needs.