Returning to South Africa

Returning to South Africa
Returning to South Africa

Whether you are busy making a decision about returning to South Africa or have already made up your mind, our homecoming section is designed to answer some of the queries you may have.

Please use the links below to access information.

What permit / visa do I need as the wife
of a South African citizen or permanent residency holder?
What permit / visa do I need as the partner
of a South African citizen or permanent residency holder?
What permit / visa do I need as the partner or spouse
of a South African citizen or permanent residency holder
to be able to work / study/ set op a business?
I am South African but have also got a foreign passport
have I lost my South African citizenship?
Information for foreign same sex partners
of South African Citizens or permanent residency holders.
Learn whether the foreign spouse or partner
of a South African citizen or permanent residency holder
is able to work, set up a business or study.
What about our children they were born abroad
and have foreign passports?

 Contact us today for more info on the topic of “Returning to South Africa”


First Name *

Surname *

Email Address *

Telephone Number

Language *

Country Of Residence *

What Visa would you apply for? *

Where in SA would you move to? *

Comments *